Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Time before Lent.

Lent is a time of renewal, a time to prepare ourselves to remember the gift of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. This of course means that time is slowly burning away to prepare liturgically for Lent.

The Extraordinary Form affords us a wonderful opportunity to remind us Lent is around the corner. Septuagesma, the roughly three weeks before Ash Wednesday, helps us to get into the motion of Lent. The Gloria disappears, not to be heard until Holy Thursday, and the Alleluia leaves us until the Great Vigil of Easter.

The Ordinary Form however, does not afford us the weekly reminders. However we should keep in front of us the fact that Ash Wednesday is about three weeks away, we should take some example from the Extraordinary Form and begin to enter into the spirituality of Lent.

With either Form, there is planning to do. Music needs to be finalized (ideally into the Easter Season), Art and Environment should be planned, choirs need preparation, and those who excercise leadership in the communal worship of the church should begin to ease their congregations into Lent.

If you're seeking assistance with planning, I am avaliable for consultation and advising.

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