Wednesday, February 9, 2011

A forthcoming New Liturgical Movement

Not to distant from now, Benedict XVI will issue a Moto Proprio, reconstructing the Congregation for Divine Worship. With this will include a road map for a New Liturgical Movement. We should be grateful to the Holy Father for guiding the Catholic Church with a loving hand. We also should give thanks to God in a fitting way for this opportunity to implement the liturgical reforms on Vatican II in a more fitting manner.

Parishes who struggle with implementing these reforms should not be afraid to contact someone learned in liturgical matters to assist them with implementation. I think it would be wise for parishes to hold a short series of talks about the Sacred Liturgy. They should consult with individuals about their particular artistic needs when retrofitting a building. Parishes should seek counsel from an outside individual when music is involved of changed.

In short, we may not know the full extent of these forthcoming reforms. However we should look at this as an opportunity for renewal of the Church's spiritual and liturgical life. Giving thanks to Almighty God for His goodness and bountiful blessings.

Parishes seeking outside help with implementing the Revised Roman Missal should feel free to contact me for an initial consultation.

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